Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hi again, friends.
Here you are a new recipe of one of the most popular dishes in Spain.  CHURROS with CHOCOLAT

 Churro Dough
   • 1 cup of water     • 1/2 cup margarine or butter
  • 1/4 teapoon salt         • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 3 eggs           • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (optional)
  • 1/4 cup sugar      • Vegetable or Olive Oil
  • 120g of dark chocolate, chopped            • 2 cups of milk
  • 4 teaspoons of cornstarch (cornflour)       


Prepare to fry the churros by heating oil in a pan (1 to 1 & 1/2 inches) to 360 degrees F. To make churro dough, heat water, margarine and salt to rolling boil in 3-quart saucepan; stir in flour. Stir vigorously over low heat until mixture forms a ball, about 1 minute; remove from heat. Beat eggs all at once; continue beating until smooth and then add to saucepan while stirring mixture. Spoon mixture into cake decorators' tube with large star tip (like the kind used to decorate cakes). Squeeze 4-inch strips of dough into hot oil. Fry 3 or 4 strips at a time until golden brown, turning once, about 2 minutes on each side. Drain on paper towels.

Mix Sugar and the optional cinnamon; roll churros in sugar or dump the sugar on the pile of churros, like the pros. That churro taste will take you right back to your favorite summer days walking the paseos of Spain.

Note: real churros in Spain are made without cinnamon mixed with the sugar, but the cinnamon adds an extra nice flavor.

Chocolate Dip

Place the chocolate and half the milk in a pan and heat, stirring, until the chocolate has melted. Dissolve the cornstarch in the remaining milk and whisk into the chocolate with the sugar. Cook on low heat, whisking constantly, until the chocolate is thickened, about five minutes. Add extra cornstarch if it doesn't start to thicken after 5 minutes. Remove and whisk smooth. Pour and server in cups or bowls for dunking churros. Do not pour over churros, but use the mix for dunking churros after every bite. Served warm.

 We have found a video about how to make churros. It´s in spanish but I think you could undertand it very well, its very easy. 


Saturday, April 17, 2010


Our teacher told us you need  Spanish recipes.  Here  we send you some of them:


The tortilla is a way of life in Spain (and worth it!) Well-loved dish  served all over Spain.

For 4 to 6 persons: 1 cup olive oil, four large potatos (peel and cut in circles about 2mm thick; salt to taste;one large onion, thinly sliced; four large eggs.

Some people add thin slices of red pepper together with the onion.
Heat the oil in a 9-inch skillet, add potatos, one slice at a time so that they don't stick. Alternate layers of potato and onion. COOK slowly, mediumflame. DO NOT FRY!! Turn ocasionally until potatoes are tender, but NOTbrown. They must be loose, not "in a cake". Beat eggs in a large bowl with a fork. Salt to taste. Drain potatoes. Add potatoes to beaten eggs, pressing them so that eggs cover them completely. Let sit for 15 minutes.

Heat 2 tbsps of the oil in large skillet. Add potates-egg mixture, spreading quickly.Lower the heat to medium-high.Shake pan to prevet sticking (crucial step!!) When potatoes start to brown, put a plate on skillet and turn around, adding another tbsp of oil. Brown on the other side. Can flip three or four times for better cooking.

GAZPACHO:  Typical (and my favourite)  dish in summer (for drink or eat)
It is difficult for us to give you definite weights or quantities for this recipe; please forgive us.
Lots of red, ripe tomatoes Cucumber (with the part that attaches it to the plant removed: it is bitter) Anaheim peppers (or any green pepper which is not sweet)Old, hard bread (my favourite for gazpacho is extra sour dough, but others will do too) .  Garlic,  red vinegar, olive oil, salt, water.

There might be as many recipes of gazpacho as families are in Spain.

As a rule, you want more tomatoes in the gazpacho than anything else. A nice looking gazpacho should have a pretty orange-red colour. Therefore, add the ingredients according to this principle. First, cut the vegetables in pieces that your blender can manage. You do not need to peel the cucumber or the tomatoes or remove the seeds from anything (at least i never do).  Cut some bread and soak it in water. Add it to the blender. Add the olive oil, salt, vinegar and water.

Turn the power on until everything blends "homogeneously". Take a spoonful and taste it. At this point you can decide what is missing, what is in excess, etc. You can experiment with the recipe: some people like the gazpacho very thick, so they add a lot of bread, while some others like it very liquidy, and they add more water instead, or less bread, whatever.

My family prefer gazpacho at room temperature. However, as it is a typical summer dish, it is usually served cold. In some places this is so true that they even throw ice cubes in it when ready to eat.


French toast is a breakfast food served an Easter dessert in Spain. We called it “Torrijas”. Typical toast is made with bread and eggs. Milk or sugar is commonly added. According to what is popular in local cuisine, many of the spices that are added to bread or egg dishes are included in cooking. This versatile dish is often topped with sugar, butter, fruit, syrup, or other items.

Slices of bread are dipped in a beaten egg and sugar mixture. The slices of egg-coated bread are then placed on a frying pan or griddle prepared with a coat of butter or oil, and cooked until both sides are browned and the egg has cooked through.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Nuestro Puente de la Amistad está de luto.

El sábado 10 de abril se produjo un trágico accidente aéreo en el que murieron 97 personas, entre ellos, el Presidente de Polonia (Lech Kaczyński) y su mujer y varios altos cargos: el gobernador del Banco Central, el jefe del Estado Mayor y el viceministro de Exteriores junto a decenas de diputados.El avión intentó aterrizar varias veces debido a una intensa niebla pero al final se estrelló en la ciudad rusa de Smolensk

Z głębokim żalem informujemy, że w katastrofie prezydenckiego samolotu TU-154, która wydarzyła się w dn. 10 kwietnia 2010 w okolicach Smoleńska (Federacja Rosyjska), tragicznie zginął Pan Lech Kaczyński, Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, jego małżonka oraz wielu wysokich przedstawicieli polskich instytucji, udających się na obchody 70. rocznicy zbrodni katyńskiej.

Żałoba narodowa została ogłoszona od soboty 10 kwietnia, godz. 18:00 do soboty 17 kwietnia, godz. 18:00.

Toda la semana , del 10 al17  de abril, se ha declardo LUTO OFICIAL  en toda Polonia.
Todos los alumnos y alumnas de 6º curso queremos deciros que sentimos mucha pena por la tragedia que estáis viviendo, que queremos unirnos a vuestro dolor y a la tristeza por la pérdida de tantas personas y que os enviamos nuestro pésame y un abrazo para todos nuestros compañeros y amigos polacos.
Wszystkich uczniów od 6 klasy mówimy, że czują się bardzo przykro z powodu tragedii ich życia, chcemy przyłączyć się do żalu i smutku po stracie tak wielu ludzi i wysyłamy nasze kondolencje i uściski dla wszystkich naszych współpracowników i polskich przyjaciół

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Nuestros compañeros polacos nos han enviado unos regalos por Semana Santa.
Un libro muy bonito sobre su ciudad Bytom, que tiene unas fotos estupendas. ¡ Qué ciudad tan preciosa! También nos ha gustado mucho los huevos de pascua.

 En Polonia, al igual que en otros lugares del centro de Europa, en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra, es muy típico decorar huevos con motivo de las fiestas de Pascua. Todo es debido a que antiguamente los cristianos católicos no podían comer huevos ni tampoco productos lácteos durante la Cuaresma. Los fieles los guardaban y una vez terminada la cuaresma los regalaban decorados.

Además nos han enviado unos llaveros muy chulos con el nombre de su cole y unas figuritas de chocolate que están buenísimas, como las que aquí en España se ponen en el árbol en las fiestas de Navidad.

También nos han enviado un disco de Chopin.  Seguro que el profe nos manda poner algo en el blog de Chopin porque este año se celebra el centenario y en clase hemos oido algunas obras de este pianista polaco tan famoso.

En esta dirección podemos ver todas las fotos.

Gracias a nuestros amigos polacos. ¡ Nos ha gustado muchísimo!